We are a Bible based ministry that offers a simple, gentle and effective means of gaining freedom in Jesus (Yeshua).

Due to the pressures placed upon us by a fallen world, we can find benefit in understanding biblical deliverance. Biblical Deliverance relies solely on principles found in salvation. So even as Jesus once freed us at the time of salvation He can free us today as well.
If as a Christian you find yourself drawn to this subject it maybe because you have yet to see certain problems removed from your way of life. Maybe its attitudes that keep resurfacing, maybe its behavior problems , maybe its a matter of being improperly owned, or a spiritual matter causes you trouble. All these matters and more can be resolved in Jesus and what he did at the Cross.
Great Inspiring Articles
- Dancing With Those Behind The Curtain
- Does Religion Hinder Walking by the Spirit?
- Jewish Rabbi Hails Trump as the Messiah = anti-messiah or Anti-Christ
- The Divided Mind
- What To Do If Salvation Stops Saving!
- When Leadership Fails a Congregation – The Stronghold Called Authority
- Charismatics and Evangelicals Get a Lesson in Deliverance
- Agenda 21 Was Our Introduction to the Tribulation of Revelation
- Don’t Take the Mark – And All New MRNA Vaccines – Received by Julie Whedbee
- There is Something About the Name of Jesus You Are Going to Need to Know
- A Simple Explanation of Salvation
- When Persecution Comes Calling
- Three Raptures
- Dear Pastor; Yes This is the Mark of the Beast – All MRNA Vaccines
- Did You Sell Your Soul to the Devil and Now Want It Back?
- The Mark of The Beast Is Alive and Well in Bio-metric Technology
- Can A Christian Be Controlled by Demons?
- What’s Judgment Have To Do With It?
- Are You Rapture Ready?
- How Does Jesus Make Us New
- Getting Back to One Lord, One Faith, and One Father Over All
Great Inspiring Videos

Great Inspiring Books
Out From the Shadow of Other Gods

Every Christian is desperate for a true relationship and life changing experience with God, but our most prevalent model of success and failure has been religion. The things that have been taught us have had more to do with man’s search for meaning, rather than in God showing us His ways. There is a place where religion dies and genuine relationship begins. The first in a series, the author provides a platform for change and a simple yet powerful way out from the trappings of humanities religion. Ministering with honor to the pastor as well as to the prodigal and revealing a surprising bounty of Jesus in every page. Get ready to be encouraged, challenged, and renewed in your walk of faith.The Shadow of The Spiritual
- Paper Back $8.89 Here at Amazon
The Shadow of the Spiritual

Got Spirit? That’s an interesting question, but after two thousand years of Christian history, maybe we should be asking “which spirit?” Though the Christian faith has been provided with a sure foundation in Christ, our propensity to get worldly or even religious has actually pushed us past safe boundaries. There is a quagmire of spiritual alternatives all vying for our attention, yet none of them has anything to do with a true faith in Jesus. “The Shadow of the Spiritual” is meaty, thought provoking, in-depth look into the rising tide of spiritual pollution within the Church. Its lingering effects remain oppressive and damaging to any believer who desires a pure expression of relationship with the Son of God. This self help book is a must read for any Christian wanting to understand how improper spiritual connections get formed, fed and how unhealthy spiritual bondage gets passed around. Yet, by embracing a simple biblical truth, we can separate ourselves from all sorts of added trouble. The second in a series, the author provides a platform for change and a simple yet powerful way out from the trappings of humanities many fallen exploits.
- $12.89 Paper Back Here at Amazon
Lord I Want To Change!

Is It time for a change? The Christian life is not always an easy life. Though we are assured that all things have become new, “New life” may end up looking a lot like the old one. This is due to our inability to properly transition away from certain worldly influences. A growing number of our troubles include the weight of family dysfunction, years of social conditioning and any number of personal failures remaining a black mark on our record. All of these issues have a tendency to warp our sense of “self” and we walk through life emotionally crippled; yet Jesus has other plans for us. The Bible provides the Christian a “get out of jail free card”. Jesus offers us a simple and effective way of escape out from the trappings of a difficult past. If you have ever wondered whether there is more to the Christian life, then get ready to be encouraged, challenged, and set free in your walk of faith.
- Paper Back $9.65 Here at Amazon
- Kindle $5.99 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C2S83RH5