It is the most natural thing for a person to try and manage their life with the hope that the choices they make will eventually produce happiness and wholeness. This was a privilege that was first given to Adam and Eve in the garden. Their lives where complete as they lived in close fellowship with God. Yet there came a day that Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command and they immediately where expelled from paradise. This expulsion not only introduced them to a fallen world, but they also lost that healthy connection with God which effected all of mankind. Salvation is an invitation to get back to a personal relationship with the Creator.
Without God’s support Adam and Eve now faltered in their ability to manage their lives. However God spoke to them about a Redeemer that would one day bring mankind, back into favor.
In this case 4000 years later the Son of God “Jesus (Yeshua)” came to earth in the form of a man to pay the price for mankind’s many sins. What He did was die upon the Cross and shed His blood.
- In dying, He was taking upon Himself the punishment that was due us.
- By shedding His blood, he was satisfying God’s requirements that blood be shed in order to pay
- the penalty for sin.
Ephesians 1:7-8 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.
If you never have asked for salvation, then it means that you are still in your sins and will one day be punished for those sins. That includes hell and separation from God for an eternity. However the easy way to remedy this is to simply accept what Jesus did for you on the Cross, ask Him to forgive all your sins, and then invite Him to come and live in your heart.
When you are sincere in your request, His Spirit comes and dwells within you and you are then brought into fellowship with Jesus; it’s the beginning of a relationship and not a religion. To add to this wonderful transformation God makes you a brand new person; one that is free of all the physical, emotional, and spiritual bondage that once was a part of your past. The Savior creates a new life for you, making you clean, whole and bringing about a remarkable peace to your way of life. A simple prayer begins a remarkable journey of discovery leading to fellowship and friendship with Jesus.
Jesus, I’ve tried to save myself and failed.
I ask that you will forgive me for all my sins.
By your Holy Spirit come into my heart and make me new.
I accept you as my personal Savior and want all of the advantages of your salvation to be mine.
Thank you for this free gift of salvation.